UV Filters

UV Pond Filters and Clarifiers are a safe and easy way to maintain crystal clear pond water. The method of UV filtration involves pumping the pond water through a small UV pond filter device which outflows back to the pond. Ultra Violet Clarifiers and Filter Systems can be used in the pond or at the outside of the pond; configuration and installation is easy and can be performed by a contractor or on your own.
UV Pond Clarifiers and Filters help clear green pond water. Algae and Bacteria and protozoa can be controlled easily with a UV system.
Atlantic Pond Supply USA uses the power of Amazon to provide fast and often free shipping in the United States of America on all Green Reset UV Filters, Ninpheo pressurized filters with ultra violet clarifiers and Smart UV systems from Empress. Ideal for fish ponds and water gardens and water features and koi ponds. Easy operation and maintenance and designed for longevity no matter what region of the United States your pond is.
Our UV systems are designed for ponds up to 6,500 gallons. We also have UV bulbs and replacement parts available for the most popular UV pond filters and sterilizers.